
Monday, September 14, 2020

Is Your Home Ready For Winter Weather?


We know it feels like winter is worlds away, especially when fall has yet to come, but it can be truly helpful to you and your home to be ready and ahead of this cold season. The mild weather that comes with fall might put your home at a lower risk for issues, but cold weather can come in swiftly and without warning. It’s vital to be prepared. So when the temperature drops and those rigid storms begin, you won't be caught off guard if you follow these tips:

Check Your Heating

One of the most important parts of preparing your home for winter is making sure your heating systems are working properly. It’s recommended that you get this system checked and cleaned out at least once a year, this way you’ll be able to identify any smaller issues so that they don't become major and leave you with an unplanned breakdown.

Install Insulation

Is your attic insulated? If not, now's the time to do so. This helps to keep the cold air out and your warm air in. If you already have current insulation It’s the kind of project you want to get started on now, so that you won’t have to worry about it in the future. Also, if you already have current insulation, it’s important to get it evaluated before winter comes. This way, you know whether or not it’s ready to keep you warm.

Avoid Water Damage

Water damage is more common in spring and summer, but not entirely avoidable in winter. With heavy amounts of snow possible in the near future, it’s no surprise that your home could face some kind of water damage even during colder seasons. That is, if you don’t prepare for it ahead of time. Make sure you check weak spots in structures such as walls, floors, and/or ceiling surfaces. Contact a certified water damage repair expert if you suspect a problem.

Getting your home ready for winter weather is a time consuming task, and it is often best to bring in some professionals to help. Contact GreenPro Cleaning and Restoration to take care of your ducts, attics, crawl spaces, and water damage.

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