
Friday, August 21, 2020

What To Do If You Suspect You Have Water Damage


Water damage inside your home or building can happen even when you don’t even realize. However, if you’re lucky enough to catch the damage early on, before more extensive damage occurs, you can protect yourself from a pretty costly situation. If you suspect that you might have water damage, here are some of the most important steps you need to take: 

Do Not Touch!

It’s important that if you see a spot with suspected water damage that you do not touch it with your bare hands. These areas may be unsound and could fall apart easily, which creates a potential health hazard for homeowners. Only professionals should have a go at these kinds of spots.

Keep a Safe Distance

Do not breathe in damp or odorous air since there is a high risk that mold or mildew has formed. Mold and mildew love to grow in damp areas, especially ones suffering from water damage. This is another reason why a professional should be called right away, to ensure the safety of you and your family.

Call a Professional

It’s important that you contact a certified water damage repair expert if you suspect a problem, for all the reasons that you saw above. When it comes to water damage, a visual survey and test will be done to determine whether or not there is water damage. If water damage is a problem in your home or office, professionals will clean up the damaged area and eliminate the sources of moisture.

Water Damage Evaluation in Suffolk County

At GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration, we test for water damage at a reasonable rate. If you suspect that there may be a problem in the home or building, call us to schedule your indoor evaluation at 631-940-8100.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Why It's Important For You to Go Green


Change often starts with the individual, and from the individual comes an entire community and then so on and so forth. In order to start making a positive impact on our environment, it’s important to start taking some first steps into a green life. There are so many benefits to going green, and here are a few examples. 

Better For Your Health

When you go green, whether it's by conscientiously buying environmentally friendly products or foods, you are in turn helping your health. You are keeping your body away from products that are toxic and helping to ease environmental pollution gives you a healthier environment. You’ll start to notice that you are feeling better than before.

Looking Ahead

It’s important to preserve this Earth for newer generations to come. What you do here and now makes all the difference in not only your future, but their future as well. It’s important to fight for and protect the planet we have now so that they can experience things as we did.

Productivity and Motivation

From starting your own garden to taking it upon yourself to have recyclable bins for each product, these little changes will have a big impact on your productivity and motivation. It helps drive you to new passions and helps your productivity both at home and at work. You’ll feel a part of a bigger picture.

It’s Easier Than You Think

There have been a lot of changes in recent years that push for more environmentally friendly services. You’ll have plenty of green energy products to choose from, from food to home services. It’s little changes like this that go a long way.

Eco-Friendly Duct Cleaning

At GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration, all of our products are bio-safe, and all of our methods are bio-friendly. We do not use any toxic chemicals, and our cleaning systems produce superior results for better indoor air quality and healthier living conditions.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

4 Ways Summer Affects Your Air Quality


Though fall and spring are commonly known as the heavier allergy and asthma sufferer seasons, summer can still bring on symptoms and issues-- especially when extreme heat kicks in. It’s important to make sure you are aware of how summer can affect your health by affecting your air quality.

1. Increased Humidity

When it comes to excess humidity in summer, moisture can build up in areas if you're not careful, and if not treated, mold and mildew can begin to grow. This will lead to a decrease in your air quality, and could be harmful to your health, especially if you already live with respiratory issues.

2. Too Much Moisture Leads To Dust Mites

Not only will an increase in humidity bring mold, it can also bring bacteria that forms dust mites. Dust mites are a common allergy inducer, and will also increase your need to clean. Not to mention, they lower your air quality too.

3. Sun Radiation

It might seem strange, but the sun can also create unsafe air conditions. The sun is its brightest and hottest during summer, so it causes ozone levels to spike closer to the ground. The lower part is where we reside, causing an increase in allergy and asthma related symptoms.

4. Pets

Sometimes no amount of cleaning around the house can prevent your pet’s hair from building up in every corner and crevasse, especially when they are losing all of it in summer. But did you know that their fur can actually get into your air ducts and lower your air quality? Dust and debris can fill the surface of the hair and clog your air filters.

Taking care of your home during the extreme summer weather is a time consuming task, and it is often best to bring in some professionals to help. Keep up with your routine cleaning and get your HVAC system and air ducts checked annually or routinely. Contact GreenPro Cleaning and Restoration to take care of your ducts, attics, crawl spaces, and water damage.