
Friday, January 17, 2020

Top 5 Causes of Water Damage

Common Reasons for Water Damage

Whether a pipe has burst behind your walls or you have a leaky faucet, it’s important that you know and recognize the signs pointing to potential water damage to prevent further issues. 

There are many reasons why water damage can occur; here are five of the most common reasons for water damage to occur within the home.

1. Burst Pipes
Water pipes that become leaky, or even burst, are the most common culprit for water damage. Pipes can leak or burst when there are changes in water temperature or water pressure within the pipes. Bursts and leaks can also be caused by the natural deterioration of the pipe itself. If a pipe does burst in your home, it’s essential to have any water damage you experience assessed by a professional.

2. Leaky Roof
An old roof that hasn’t been maintained or has undergone serious damage during a storm can be a cause of water damage. Due to the roof being saturated by water, excess water can collect and leak through ceilings, which eventually can cause the ceiling to sag and corrode. Deterioration of the ceilings due to water damage, can also lead to poor indoor air quality and health concerns, especially for those with allergies.

3. Overflowing Toilets
Sometimes, bursts or leaks in piping can cause water damage, but some backups and clogs in the piping can cause toilets to simply overflow. Overflowing can cause water damage to flooring aesthetics and, eventually, the foundation of the bathroom floorboards.

4. Closed in Areas
Isolated areas of a home or building, such as an attic or basement, often do not have proper ventilation and can be a cause of water damage. If pipes burst in an area that has no airflow, the affected area is more susceptible to grow mold, which not only can destroy a home’s structure, but can also decrease indoor air quality.

5. Rain Gutters Stop Draining
If rain gutters become backed up with leaves and other debris, they can cause water to flow beyond the gutter, ultimately damage to the exterior of your home. Regular cleaning and maintenance of rain gutters can ensure that dirty water is able to run off of your home. 

Water Damage Evaluation in Suffolk County

At GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration, we test for water damage at a reasonable rate. If you suspect that there may be a problem in the home or building, call us to schedule your indoor evaluation at 631-940-8100. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How Dirty Air Ducts Can Impact Your Health

Dirty Air Ducts May be Getting You Sick

Air ducts are not visible in our homes—so cleaning them is something we rarely do. We never think about cleaning them until we see dust accumulate around the air vents. However, what you don't see can definitely hurt you. Read on to learn about the health concerns associated with dirty air ducts.

The Health Effects of Dirty Air Ducts

The dust you see accumulating around the air vents circulates through the air you breathe. Taking in mold, toxins, pet dander, and dead skin cells can negatively impact the indoor air quality of our home—and your health.

If you have asthma or bronchitis, dirty ducts can be torturous. Changing the air filters of your home can help; however, if you have dirty ducts, changing the air filter is like putting a band-aid on a deep cut. Having a clean HVAC system is imperative. GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration can get to the source of the problem. They won't just provide you with treatment; they will get you cured of your dirty ducts.

Contaminants Commonly Found in Your Air Ducts

Did you ever think you would have rodent feces in your home? What would you do if you saw it lying on the floor of your kitchen or worse, on the counters? What about fungi, mold, and mildew? Hopefully, you would clean it immediately. 

Dirty ducts contain these contaminants, and we breathe them in when our air ducts are dirty. You should treat your ducts the same way you treat your kitchen floors and counters. Keeping them clean is imperative to maintaining good indoor air quality.

Breathing dirty air can impact your health in serious ways. Some ways poor air quality can affect your health include mild coughing, sneezing, sinus infections, and chronic coughs. It can give you flu-like symptoms. This could include a runny nose, fever, and sore throat. If you're constantly breathing in dirty air, you can medicate yourself with cough medicines or even treat yourself for the flu. 

Until you clean the dirty air ducts, you will continue to have the same symptoms. There are other serious health effects of dirty ducts. Shortness of breath, asthma attacks, and skin infections are also common. Poor air quality can also exacerbate any pre-existing conditions you may have.

HVAC Cleaning in Suffolk County

At GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration, we do not use any toxic chemicals, providing our customers with environmentally friendly and superior results. If you suspect that air ducts are due for routine maintenance, call us to schedule your HVAC cleaning at 631-940-8100. Improve your home’s indoor air quality today!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Your Pets May Be Affecting Your Indoor Air Quality

Furry Friends and Negative Effects on Indoor Air Quality

We all love our pets—they’re members of our families, and studies have shown that they can help reduce stress, improve mental health, and lower blood pressure. What you may not realize is that your animal companions may be affecting your indoor air quality. It is essential to understand how this can happen and what you can do about it.

How Do Your Pets Impact Air Quality?
Pets shed, and certain breeds can shed more hair than others. You may set your focus on cleaning up their fur, but what you might not realize is that your furry pets also shed pet dander.

Pet dander is composed of microscopic skin cells that are released into the air when your pet sheds. Because it is so small, dander can stay in the air for a long time. Pet dander is frequently the source of allergies, but it can also cause issues for people with asthma or other breathing conditions. Pet dander can also settle onto clothes, furniture, and carpets, where it will stay until it is moved, and the dander will be reintroduced to the air again.

The supplies for your pet can also introduce particles into the air.- This can include cat litter or bedding used in small animal cages that create dust that you might not even notice.

Pet fur can also cause issues with your HVAC system. Even the most diligent pet owners cannot prevent some pet fur from ending up in their air vents. This can cause blockages in the ducts that will make it harder for the system to function correctly.

What can you do?

There are a few things you can do to help minimize your pets’ impact on your indoor air quality.

  • Vacuum your carpets and sweep any uncarpeted rooms frequently.
  • Bathe your dogs often. Cats typically do not need to be bathed, but your vet might recommend a waterless shampoo to help reduce dander.
  • Brush your cats and dogs regularly. Do this outside, if possible. If it isn’t possible, then be sure to vacuum and sweep after you are done.
  • Use furniture covers in any rooms that your pets have access to. Furniture covers should be removed and washed frequently.
  • Switch to dust-free cat litter and bedding options. Keep litter boxes away from air intake vents.
  • Install HEPA air filters in your home. You may need to change the air filters more often than the manufacturer recommends. Dirty air filters make your HVAC system work harder, which can cause damage to the system.
  • Have your air ducts cleaned by a professional.

HVAC Cleaning in Suffolk County
At GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration, we do not use any toxic chemicals, providing our customers with environmentally friendly and superior results. If you suspect that air ducts are due for routine maintenance, call us to schedule your HVAC cleaning at 631-940-8100. Improve your home’s indoor air quality today!

4 Tell-Tale Signs of Water Damage

How Can I Tell If I Have Water Damage?

Water can cause substantial damage to your home or business, especially when it’s left undetected and untreated. Because water damage can lead to costly consequences, you must be proactive when you suspect this type of damage to your home or business 

Here’s what you should be on the lookout for. 

1. Stains or Mold

Stains and mold are the most obvious indications of water damage, indicating the presence of a slow but persistent leak. The following visual signs may indicate the presence of mold or a leak:
  • Irregularly shaped yellowish-brown stains
  • Usually found in kitchens, basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms
  • Small clusters of blue, grey, or black spots

Mold is very toxic and can pose significant health concerns for your family and your pets, and should be addressed right away.

2. Foul Odors

Unusual smells and odors are other indications that you may have water damage. Musty odors as a result of water damage often smell similarly to wet cardboard or even mildew. This smell is generally the strongest around the area affected by water damage. 

Damp areas are a breeding ground for foul and musty odors. When you notice a damp, musty smell, take a moment to inspect the area for other signs of a leak. 

3. Discoloration of Walls and Ceilings

When damage is present in the home, walls, and ceilings can all change colors. Usually, the color is dark yellow or brown. If you live in a two-story home and begin to notice brown spots on your ceiling, that’s a sign of water leaks. Take action immediately when you begin to see a discoloration of your walls or ceilings.

4. Higher Water and Sewage bills

If you notice a sudden spike in your utility or sewage bills, it may also be an indication of a leak in your home. It is important to compare your water bill to previous months, factoring in any recent changes in your home that may account for this change. 

When having company for extended periods of time or a change in seasons can cause your water bill to fluctuate, an unusual spike can indicate a plumbing issue. Check the following areas of your home for indications of a leak:
  • Toilets
  • Washing machine
  • Dishwasher

If you do not see any visible signs of a leak around your appliances, there may be an issue behind your walls with your pipes. 

Indoor Water Damage Evaluations in Suffolk County

GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration visually surveys and tests for water damage at a reasonable rate. If you suspect that there may be a problem in the home or building, call us to schedule your indoor evaluation at 631-940-8100.