
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Top Spots Where Snow Hits Your Home The Worst


As we head into December, we may start to see some snowy days. Snow may look beautiful, but it can do quite a bit of harm to our homes if we aren't prepared. Vulnerable areas around your house will be more susceptible to cracks and water damage. Not only that, but ice can form in these spots as well and create issues for your structure and comfort. Here are some of the top areas where snow can hit your home the worst: 


Your roof has many vulnerable areas, but the spot that directly faces the risk for any breaks is your attic. Your attic is one of the protection areas for your home, being the primary source of insulation when temperatures drop. The second this part of the house is compromised, you and your family might have to deal with the cold getting in. Whether the issues happened from water damage or poor insulation installations, you'll need a professional to come to take care of everything before the next snowstorm.

Crawl Space

Your crawl space is built below ground level, so it's designed in a way to keep water and more outside. However, they are not impervious to water damage altogether. After a snowstorm, it can all melt and cause drainage problems for this area. This welcomes mold and mildew, and even creepy crawlers. If you suspect your crawl space has suffered from water damage after a big storm, make sure you call a professional to take care of it. Its overall condition in the future depends on how well it's maintained.

The Roof

Often, your roof takes the brunt of the snowstorm. Most roofing material is designed to be able to handle this sort of weight and strength, but if you haven't updated your home in a while, it might not be much of a fair fight. Your shingles can suffer significantly from ice and heavy snowfall. Make sure you get any weak spots in your roofing fixed before winter rolls around.

Cleaning and taking care of your home after a water damage mishap can be challenging to deal with, and it is often best to bring in some professionals to help. Contact GreenPro Cleaning and Restoration to take care of your ducts, attics, crawl spaces, and water damage needs.

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