
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

How to Prep Your Air Conditioner for Spring

preparing air conditioner for spring

Your air conditioner has been idle for months, but soon it will be working around-the-clock to keep your home cool and comfortable. This sudden increase in workload can lead to costly breakdowns if your system isn’t properly prepared for the change of seasons.

Follow these five steps from GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration, and your air conditioner will be just as ready for the warm weather as you are:

  1. Change your air filters. It is estimated that dirty air filters are responsible for roughly 80% of all HVAC-related breakdowns. A dirty filter limits fresh air intake, increasing wear-and-tear on your system. Change your filter at the start of the season and once per month afterwards.

  1. Clean the condenser coils. The condenser coils on your air conditioner are responsible for releasing warm air. If these coils are coated in dust and dirt, they will not be able to effectively vent this heat, and your energy efficiency will suffer as a result. Refer to your owner’s manual for instructions on how to locate and clean the coils on your unit.

  1. Clear the surrounding area. It’s not just debris on the coils that can impact energy efficiency, but also debris around the coils. Ideally, your air conditioner should have two feet of space on all sides to “breathe”. Trim any surrounding branches or shrubbery if they encroach on this space.

  1. Switch your ceiling fans. Most ceiling fans have a small switch at the base which allows users to change the direction of the blades. Set them to rotate counterclockwise during the warmer months; this pushes air down into the room and creates a cooling breeze.

  1. Have your air ducts cleaned. The air ducts in your home are a common hiding spot for dust, pollen, pet dander, mold, and other allergens. The air from your A/C can carry these pollutants with it as it travels through your ductwork, circulating them throughout your house. The best way to remove these contaminants is by having your air ducts professionally cleaned.

Air duct cleaning requires specialized tools and equipment, which is why it is a job best left to the pros. If you live on Long Island, look no further than GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration for your air duct cleaning needs. Call us today at (631) 940-8100 to get started with a free estimate.

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