
Friday, August 11, 2017

How to Keep Your Attic and Crawl Space Bug-Free

Whether you live in the suburbs or the city, every home has one thing in common — bugs. While no house can be completely bug-free, there are a few steps you can take to minimize the number of creepy crawlers coming into your house.

  • Install screens on your windows. Especially in the warmer months when we’re all trying to fill our homes with a natural breeze, flies can easily get into open windows.
  • Seal cracks in the foundation. Not only are cracks in your foundation taking a toll on your energy bill, but they can also let in termites, ants, and cockroaches.
  • Caulk around your doors. If air can get through, so can bugs.
  • Seal your vents and have them inspected. For the health of your home and the people in it, your attic has to be ventilated. But overtime, vents can start to become loose, leaving room for insects to crawl in.
  • Keep food out of your bedroom. It’s true what your mom used to tell you — eating in your bedroom will attract bugs. It’s best to keep all eating and cooking to the kitchen and dining room.
  • Keep the kitchen clean. Speaking of eating, you also don’t want to leave food out for too long, even if it’s in the kitchen.
  • Keep clutter to a minimum. Even in places like the attic and crawl space, which are primarily used for storage, it’s important you keep them clean and organized. Bugs love to hide, so the fewer hiding spots you give them, the less likely they are to stick around.
  • Take the garbage out often. Live by the rule: If you can smell it, so can bugs.
  • Rinse your recyclables. The sticky, sugary remains of a soda can sitting in the recyclables next to your house can also attract bugs. And they probably won’t stop at just the recyclables.
  • Prune your trees. Even if you don’t have much of a green thumb, pruning your trees is incredibly important. Branches that hang close to your house act as a bridge for insects and small animals.
  • Use a natural deterrent. Before you spray your house with traditional insect repellents that are littered with chemicals, try a few natural alternatives, like:
    • Citrus oil
    • Eucalyptus oil
    • Neem oil
    • Place egg shells in the flower beds around your house.

While natural remedies are great for everyday use, sometimes at the beginning and end of a season, you need something a bit more powerful. That’s where we come in! GreenPro Cleaning & Restoration offers duct cleaning services to homes and businesses across Long Island. Our methods have been tested and proven to be 100-percent eco-friendly. If you live in Nassau or Suffolk County, contact us today for a free quote at 631-940-8100.

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