
Monday, July 25, 2016

How to Keep Mold Out of Your Home

Mold isn't just unsightly – it's dangerous for your health and your house. Mold left untreated can trigger allergic reactions and respiratory infections, not to mention the structural damage it can cause to your home. Here are a few tips and tricks you can use to help keep mold out of your home.

Use dehumidifiers in problem areas.
The number one cause of mold growth is excess moisture. This is why humid spots in your home, such as your basement and bathroom, are the most susceptible to a mold infestation. Use a dehumidifier in these areas to keep your humidity levels in check and ward off potential mold problems.

Clean up all spills and leaks immediately.
Any standing water invites mold to grow. If you notice water forming on any surfaces in your home, clean them up immediately. This goes for spilled drinks, leaky pipes, and puddles that form next to your shower.

Run your exhaust fans when necessary.
If you have an exhaust fan in your bathroom, run it for 15 minutes after every shower to remove the excess moisture from the air. The same goes for your kitchen when cooking on the stovetop – the steam that is generated can promote mold growth.

Have your air ducts cleaned every 3-5 years.
Air ducts are an afterthought for most homeowners, but they are one of mold's favorite hiding spots. The combination of darkness, moisture, and dust form the perfect breeding ground for mold. Have your air ducts professionally cleaned every 3-5 years to remove mold, dust, and other common allergens.

Have you spotted mold growing in your Long Island home? Don't attempt to remove it alone. Mishandling of mold can cause illness and increases the likelihood of reinfestation. If you are in need of a professional mold removal service on Long Island, look no further than GreenProCleaning & Restoration. We serve all of Nassau and Suffolk County; call us today for a free quote at (631) 940-8100.

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